Return & Refund
About order: Carefully review your shipping and billing information for accuracy before submitting your order. Once an order has been shipped, it cannot be changed or cancelled.
Refund processing time: As soon as you return your item to us and it's received into our system, we will expeditiously send a refund request to your bank. Please note that while the funds are instantly deducted from our account, some banks may take 5-7 business days to process and post these refunds to your account.
Shipping or freight:
1. If the merchandise was damaged or incorrect, cubicarbon will refund corresponding cost of the goods and carriage charges (in proportion) incurred in sending the item to you. If you needs replacement, we will re-produce the damages items and ship them to you.
2. If you are returning an item to us because of an error on your part, or because you wish to withdraw from the purchase of the sale and there is no error on our part, we will charge 15% restocking fees. And any carriage costs charged for sending the goods to you won’t be refunded.
Non Returnable Products: Wholesale orders, customized products or personalized items are excluded from our extended return policy.
- is totally committed to customer satisfaction. Please contact our email to process your return. Monday through Friday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM EST. We will be happy to walk you through the return process.